Effective ways to deal with anxiety and stress during global pandemic

Stress and anxiety during global pandemic –

Stress and anxiety are our body’s normal reactions when any kind of change takes place. The stress and anxiety in our body usually respond to those changes physically, mentally or emotionally. It can be experienced from the surrounding environment, bodily changes and certain thoughts.

With Covid-19 coiling our lungs in a supersonic speed, fears about it and our safety might take an emotional toll. In between a worldwide pandemic, overwhelming dread, uncertainty and panic has spiraled around us and has put our mental health on extreme vulnerability. Mental trauma has now been firmly entrenched in our minds and it might have an adverse impact on our mental health.

Some of the common symptoms associated with stress and anxiety –

3MEDS, the best online pharmacy in Delhi where you can buy medicines online brings about some symptoms that might lead to stress-
Insomnia or excessive sleeping.
An upset stomach and change in appetite.
Inability to focus,nervousness and difficulty in relaxing over things.
Difficulty in communicating with people.
Constant worrying and increased intake of drugs.
Agitation, Frustration, Low self esteem,Mood swings etc

Ways to deal with anxiety and stress during global pandemic

Stay informed during the pandemic

It’s important to stay informed about the latest happenings around so that necessary precautions can be taken on time to chop down the adverse effects of coronavirus. But it’s important to not hog on misinformation and rumors creating a negative impact on our anxiety level.We must limit information intake the moment we start feeling overwhelmed.

Follow the basic guidelines.
The rules that apply for the general public are similar to those suffering from anxiety and depression.
Frequent handwashing, to prevent infection.
Disinfecting objects and surfaces touched often.
Avoiding close contact with sick people by putting a necessary 6 feet distance with everyone.
While sneezing, coughing or even talking, covering your face with proper masks is necessary.
Touching less and waving more.

More sleep for less stress and anxiety
Our body needs at least 7-8 hours of good quality and uninterrupted sleep to recover from the events of the entire day that bring stress. Hence it’s very important to have good uninterrupted sleep on a regular basis to avoid stress and anxiety.

Eating healthy and in moderation

Eating healthy and proper can help tame stress in a lot of ways. A number of comfort foods can cut stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline etc and increase levels of the calming brain chemical, serotonin. But it’s important we eat homemade food that includes more protein and vegetables rather than munching on unnecessary curbs.

Involve more in daily activities
Activities like jogging, walking, working out in the gym etc can help keep us fit and it’s known that our body can fight stress in a better and efficient way if it’s fit. If not physical, a number of other activities and hobbies can help reduce stress, like painting, singing, gardening, cleaning etc

Reduction in caffeine intake

High doses of the stimulant found in coffee, chocolates etc can increase anxiety and make us anxious. All these stimulating drinks and food must be taken in moderation to deal with excess stress.

Indulge in relaxation techniques
Learn and start practicing relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation or deep breathing activities. These activities may help us calm down and divert our mind away from any stress that we might feel. Take a few minutes out of your entire day to sit back quietly and reflect.

Stay connected while being physically isolated

Talk to a friend, family professional, if needed. Support from friends and family can help us get through stressful times.If things start to get too overwhelming, it’s essential to get in touch with a friend or a family member who can help or maybe a therapist or a psychiatrist who can professionally help deal with the ongoing stress.

Time management is important
Management of time is an important way to deal stress. Put an alarm or set your watch so that you can have more time to prepare and get ready. Stay ahead of time without procrastination to avoid unnecessary stress. Keep all your health care essentials handy and order medicines online from the 24hour medicine home delivery app

Keep a positive attitude
Accepting the fact that not everything can’t be brought under control yet keeping a positive attitude is very important to keep a check on stress.Giving yourself positive messages in case of extreme overwhelming can help overcome stress.


What causes stress and anxiety in one person may not cause the same in others because stress has many different implications to different people. A lot of people have better ability to handle stress than others.Not all stress is harmful. Our bodies are crafted to handle stress in small doses. But long term stress due to an ongoing pandemic situation can have ill consequences and is needed to be dealt with. The best medicine app in India, 3MEDS suggests that regular exercise, keeping up a positive attitude , listening to music and eating healthy can all work together to relieve stress and anxiety while improving our mental health.

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