Calcium tablets and why is it beneficial for bones?

What is Calcium and its importance in everyday life?

Minerals are the most essential substances that our bodies need in order to develop and function normally. Vitamins are organic substances made from plants or animals while minerals are inorganic elements that are obtained from soil and water and are absorbed by plants and animals. They boost the immune system by supporting normal growth and development of the body and help cells and organs function accordingly.

Calcium is undoubtedly one of the most important and necessary nutrients in our body. More than 98% of calcium that is nearly, 1.2kg of total calcium in the body is stored in teeth and bones which helps in supporting the basic skeletal functions while our body needs the rest of the calcium to move muscles, circulate blood and carry messages from the brain to other parts.

What are the daily requirements of Calcium?

The recommended daily intake (RDI) of calcium suggested by 3MEDS, the best healthcare service provider in India
for most adults is 1,000 mg per day,
for women over 50 is 1200 mg a day,
for aged people over 70 is 1200- 1300 mg per day,
for children aged 4 to18 is 1,300 mg a day.

What are the most common dietary sources of Calcium?
Foods rich in calcium are-
Seeds like chia, poppy and sesame
Grain based fortified food and fortified drinks
Dairy produce such as milk,yogurt and cheese
Green leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale
Calcium rich beans like soy, tofu etc are natural sources of calcium.

Calcium tablets and why is it important for bones?

Calcium is a vital mineral which is important to keep our bones and teeth strong.When there is an inadequate calcium level in our body, it falls prey to severe disorders like osteoporosis.Hence it’s important to consume the recommended amount of calcium through our diet and in case we are unable to, calcium supplements and tablets help in filling the gap between the quantity of calcium intake from diet and the daily requirement per day.
So if calcium intake from the diet isn’t sufficient enough certain calcium supplements, multivitamins or medications can be incorporated to get to the required level.
Some commonly used calcium tablets are-
Calten D 500mg tablet 15’S
Rocaltrol 0.25 mcg Capsule 10’S
Calci D3 tablets
BMD plus calcium tablets.
Buy medicines, healthcare products online from the Best medicine store online in India and get a 23% discount.

Who must consider calcium tablets?

1. The most common reason is the lack of sufficient intake of calcium through diets for people following a vegan diet.
2. Some prescribed medications decrease the body’s capacity to absorb calcium and hence vitamin D.
3. Vitamin D increases our body’s ability to absorb calcium and so a lack of vitamin D creates a hindrance in our calcium absorption.

4. People with a lactose intolerance or dairy allergy find it difficult to meet their daily calcium level due to lack of enough dietary sources of calcium.
5. As people age, absorption rate decreases to about 15-20% causing a calcium deficiency in the body.
6. The intake of excess caffeine, alcohol and sodium in the body decreases the body’s ability in absorbing calcium.
7. Women undergoing hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause etc must consider calcium tablets.

Are Calcium Tablets and supplements risky?
3MEDS, the best home delivery medicine shop in India says that it’s important to be very careful to avoid excessive amounts of calcium in our bodies. Not all tables and supplements are risky but they aren’t for everyone. Persons with excessive amounts of calcium in their bloodstream, that is hypercalcemia must not take supplements. Excessive use of calcium supplements and tablets may have adverse effects on heart disease patients.

What are the Calcium deficiency diseases?

Our body doesn’t produce calcium on its own. It needs to be provided from outside with the help of a calcium rich diet. And if we neglect calcium in our diet, our body starts to take calcium from the calcium reservoirs that is, our bones making our bones weak, hollow and vulnerable.
The calcium deficiency disease,commonly known as Hypocalcemia, occurs when calcium levels in the blood drop below normal. With reduced calcium level, complications like eye damage, abnormal heartbeat, osteoporosis etc take place.

How are Vitamin D and calcium closely related?

Vitamin D and calcium are closely related as it helps to absorb calcium in the body. Sunlight generates and triggers our body to produce vitamin D and so getting proper sunlight on a daily basis is important to make vitamin D.

Hantavirus and myths

Hantavirus and its origin-

Originally known to have been found in Asia during the Korean War, Hantavirus was discovered in a mouse of a striped field near the Hantan River in Southern Korea and the prototype was named Hantaan virus, classified under its own genus Hantavirus.

Again in March, 2020 along the coronavirus pandemic, a man from Yunnan, China got infected with Hantavirus and later died while 32 other people who were travelling with him were tested for the virus. And soon the entire world got to know about this family of viruses that predominantly known to have originated and spread from infected rodents. 

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome or Hantavirus infection is a highly contagious disease brought about by flu-like symptoms to life-threatening breathing disorders. 

Myths associated with Hantavirus-

3MEDS, the best medicine delivery app where you can get 24hour medicine home delivery debunks some of the common myths associated with Hantavirus. 

Myth 1 : Hantavirus is  spread by human contact.

Fact :There are negligible instances of person to person contamination. People can get the Hantavirus infection through inhalation. If a person inhales respirable droplets of urine or saliva or through the dust of feces from infected and diseased wild rodents, especially deer mouses.Transmission of this infectious disease may also occur when materials which are contaminated get into scared or broken skin or possibly into our body through contaminated food or water. 

Myth 2 : Getting flu shots prevents Hantavirus. 

Fact :  Flu shots and Vaccines against pneumonia or influenza have no effects on Hantavirus infection and do not provide any protection against it. Hantavirus being a  different strain needs its own vaccine. But being vaccinated against other respiratory illnesses is highly recommended to protect your health and prevent any other infection. 

Myth 3 : Hantavirus infection is as same as Covid-19.

Fact : Hantavirus infection is primarily caused by rodent infection while Covid-19 is caused by a different strain of virus called coronavirus. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from Covid-19. After 5 to 10 days of common symptoms like fever, aches, chills and gastrointestinal problems, more-serious symptoms begin. The disease progresses at a faster pace and infected people experience their lungs being filled with fluid and an abnormal fall in blood pressure and extreme respiratory failure. 

Myth 4 : There is a 100% risk of dying if someone’s infected with Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. 

Fact : It’s absolutely the most bizzare myth that hantavirus infection means death. For most people HPS causes only mild illness with common symptoms. But it can make some people very ill leading to fatality. But the recovery rate for Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome is much less as compared to coronavirus infection.

Myth 5 : Hantavirus is caused by mosquito bites.

Fact : Hantavirus infection is a highly contagious disease brought about by flu-like symptoms to life-threatening breathing disorders. They are a family of viruses spread mainly by rodents.Each type of Hantavirus has a varied rodent carrier. The deer mouse, white-tailed mouse, cotton rat, rice rat etc are primary carriers of the virus responsible for maximum cases of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. 

Myth 6 : Only aged people are affected by Hantavirus. 

Fact : Cases of Hantavirus infection have been associated with these activities irrespective of age or gender. Its observed among people who visit rodent-infested areas while camping or hiking, live in dwellings with an indoor rodent population, study mice by trapping them,occupy and clean previously empty and dirty dwellings have a rodent infestation at home or work or are involved in a job that required exposure to rodents, such as pest control, construction, utility work etc. 

The bottom line-

There is no specific treatment, vaccine or cure for Hantavirus infection yet found out but early diagnosis and medical attention in an intensive care unit can help with the recovery process. People who are infected may be given separate medication for fever, pain and oxygen therapy or ventilation for critical patients. Keep all your healthcare related essentials handy and buy medicines online to stay safe.

Other preventive measures include-

  • Prevent entry of mice into homes and workplaces. 
  • Clean entire surfaces with disinfectants or bleach and dispose gloves, sponges and paper towels used to clean the surface in a proper place. 
  • Rodent infestation can always be done by using sprays, plug-ins or appoint exterminator or pest control for the same. 

Effective ways to deal with anxiety and stress during global pandemic

Stress and anxiety during global pandemic –

Stress and anxiety are our body’s normal reactions when any kind of change takes place. The stress and anxiety in our body usually respond to those changes physically, mentally or emotionally. It can be experienced from the surrounding environment, bodily changes and certain thoughts.

With Covid-19 coiling our lungs in a supersonic speed, fears about it and our safety might take an emotional toll. In between a worldwide pandemic, overwhelming dread, uncertainty and panic has spiraled around us and has put our mental health on extreme vulnerability. Mental trauma has now been firmly entrenched in our minds and it might have an adverse impact on our mental health.

Some of the common symptoms associated with stress and anxiety –

3MEDS, the best online pharmacy in Delhi where you can buy medicines online brings about some symptoms that might lead to stress-
Insomnia or excessive sleeping.
An upset stomach and change in appetite.
Inability to focus,nervousness and difficulty in relaxing over things.
Difficulty in communicating with people.
Constant worrying and increased intake of drugs.
Agitation, Frustration, Low self esteem,Mood swings etc

Ways to deal with anxiety and stress during global pandemic

Stay informed during the pandemic

It’s important to stay informed about the latest happenings around so that necessary precautions can be taken on time to chop down the adverse effects of coronavirus. But it’s important to not hog on misinformation and rumors creating a negative impact on our anxiety level.We must limit information intake the moment we start feeling overwhelmed.

Follow the basic guidelines.
The rules that apply for the general public are similar to those suffering from anxiety and depression.
Frequent handwashing, to prevent infection.
Disinfecting objects and surfaces touched often.
Avoiding close contact with sick people by putting a necessary 6 feet distance with everyone.
While sneezing, coughing or even talking, covering your face with proper masks is necessary.
Touching less and waving more.

More sleep for less stress and anxiety
Our body needs at least 7-8 hours of good quality and uninterrupted sleep to recover from the events of the entire day that bring stress. Hence it’s very important to have good uninterrupted sleep on a regular basis to avoid stress and anxiety.

Eating healthy and in moderation

Eating healthy and proper can help tame stress in a lot of ways. A number of comfort foods can cut stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline etc and increase levels of the calming brain chemical, serotonin. But it’s important we eat homemade food that includes more protein and vegetables rather than munching on unnecessary curbs.

Involve more in daily activities
Activities like jogging, walking, working out in the gym etc can help keep us fit and it’s known that our body can fight stress in a better and efficient way if it’s fit. If not physical, a number of other activities and hobbies can help reduce stress, like painting, singing, gardening, cleaning etc

Reduction in caffeine intake

High doses of the stimulant found in coffee, chocolates etc can increase anxiety and make us anxious. All these stimulating drinks and food must be taken in moderation to deal with excess stress.

Indulge in relaxation techniques
Learn and start practicing relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation or deep breathing activities. These activities may help us calm down and divert our mind away from any stress that we might feel. Take a few minutes out of your entire day to sit back quietly and reflect.

Stay connected while being physically isolated

Talk to a friend, family professional, if needed. Support from friends and family can help us get through stressful times.If things start to get too overwhelming, it’s essential to get in touch with a friend or a family member who can help or maybe a therapist or a psychiatrist who can professionally help deal with the ongoing stress.

Time management is important
Management of time is an important way to deal stress. Put an alarm or set your watch so that you can have more time to prepare and get ready. Stay ahead of time without procrastination to avoid unnecessary stress. Keep all your health care essentials handy and order medicines online from the 24hour medicine home delivery app

Keep a positive attitude
Accepting the fact that not everything can’t be brought under control yet keeping a positive attitude is very important to keep a check on stress.Giving yourself positive messages in case of extreme overwhelming can help overcome stress.


What causes stress and anxiety in one person may not cause the same in others because stress has many different implications to different people. A lot of people have better ability to handle stress than others.Not all stress is harmful. Our bodies are crafted to handle stress in small doses. But long term stress due to an ongoing pandemic situation can have ill consequences and is needed to be dealt with. The best medicine app in India, 3MEDS suggests that regular exercise, keeping up a positive attitude , listening to music and eating healthy can all work together to relieve stress and anxiety while improving our mental health.

Supplements women need for excellent growth

A healthy, balanced diet must supply our body with sufficient nutrients to carry out our daily tasks. Often there are chances that women do not get enough nutrients from the diet alone. Hence, Supplements such as vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids must be an important part of a women’s overall growth.


What is the use of iron in our body?
Iron Deficiency is a common type of Anemia among women of all ages. As per the name suggests, it is caused due to lack of iron in the body causing a condition in which blood lacks sufficient healthy red blood cells. Women lose a lot of blood especially during pregnancy or childbirth or normally during periods. Iron helps in killing pathogens by increasing the number of radicals.
Where to find iron rich foods?
A number of Iron rich foods are to be incorporated to daily diet like iron-rich baby cereals, beans, chicken, fish, spinach etc. Vitamin C like citrus fruits, green vegetables etc help absorb iron. Iron supplements needed to be taken for a few months or more to get the levels back up to normal.
You can also buy health supplements online from the best online pharmacy in India.


What is the use of calcium in our bodies?
Calcium is the best supplement for women as it provides bone health to women. Calcium in the body is stored in teeth and bones which helps in supporting the basic skeletal functions while our body needs the rest of the calcium to move muscles, circulate blood and carry messages from the brain to other parts.
Where to find calcium rich foods?
Dairy produce such as milk, cheese, yogurt etc. Green leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale
Calcium rich beans like soy, tofu etc are natural sources of calcium. But if calcium intake from the diet isn’t sufficient enough certain supplements, multivitamins or medications can be incorporated to get to the required level. Vitamin D and calcium are closely related as it helps to absorb calcium in the body.


What is the use of Vitamin D?
In day to day busy life women often shun the sun and stick to indoors or adhere to strict vegan diets and make them prone to vitamin D deficiency. Known broadly as the sunshine vitamin, the fat soluble vitamin D is produced by the body when our skin is being exposed to sunlight. It increases the amount of white blood cells and also acts as an antiviral into the system to fight against any kinds of infections.
Where to find Vitamin D?
Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, egg yolk, shrimp, milk and cheese, Fortified foods like cereals, soy drinks, orange juice, yogurt etc are rich in Vitamin D.It is also present in external pills, supplements etc consumed at a doctor’s recommendation. You can buy Medicare and healthcare products online from the best medical store home delivery app at a discounted rate.


What is the use of Omega-3?
Most women completely skip fat from their diet and as a result they are deprived of certain necessary monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that reduce the risk of heart disease. One such fat is omega-3 which is a key to optimal health and helps lower the risk of heart disease, arthritis, depression, menstruation cramps etc.
Where to find omega-3?
Some household herbs like black cumin, ginger and turmeric and foods like salmon, cod liver oil, shrimps, chia seeds, kidney beans etc should be added in our diet on a regular basis .If a person is healthy and at low or average risk of getting heart disease, chances are that he won’t need an omega-3 supplement, provided the person eats fish often. But for people who are vegetarian or vegan need extra omega supplements. You can also buy omega-3 fish oil supplements online and opt for contact less home delivery for your safety.


What is the use of vitamin E?
The antioxidant Vitamin E which is very much in vogue these days helps protect our cells from damage. The fat soluble Vitamin E is an essential nutrient with anti-inflammatory properties which help in treating many skin problems such as acne, sunburn, psoriasis and aging effects with the skin being exposed to sun. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant which is very effective in fighting against the effects of free radicals produced by metabolism of food and environmental toxins.
Where to find Vitamin E?
Vitamin E is found in green leafy vegetables like broccoli and spinach, vegetable oils like sunflower, wheat germ, soya bean oil etc, nuts such as peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts, Avocadoes, bell peppers, pumpkins and fortified breakfast cereals
Apart from natural sources, oral Vitamin E supplements, masks, treatment products can be as beneficial but for a certain duration and quantity.


What is the use of Vitamin B?
Vitamin B complex that includes Vitamin B6, B12, folic acid, biotin etc is most important for women who are pregnant and breastfeeding because it aids in fetal brain development as well as helps to reduce the risk of birth defects in newborn babies. Also Vitamin B promotes cell growth, blood cells, better eyesight, appetite and has a direct impact on brain function.
Where to find Vitamin B?
It is very essential to eat foods that are rich in B vitamins, especially B6 and B12 like eggs, meats, fish, nuts, fortified cereals, milk, cheese, yogurt, avocado’s etc. These are essential for healthy nerve functioning, and their deficiency mostly causes numbness in hands, arms and legs.


What is the use of Magnesium in our body? Magnesium is a mineral that plays a very important role in a woman’s body. It helps create ATP, dilate blood vessels, prevent spasms and aches in the heart muscle and blood vessel walls, and dissolves complete blood clots.Numbness In the body may also be due to a low magnesium level in the body.
Where to find magnesium rich foods?
Foods rich in Magnesium such as dark green vegetables, dark chocolates, avocados, nuts like almonds, cashews , seeds like flax seeds, oatmeal, soybeans and Magnesium supplements etc can help in the smooth functioning of the nerves.

Benefits Of Sandalwood For Enhancing Skin Health

The power of Sandalwood

The prized possession of Ayurveda, Chandan or broadly known as Sandalwood has amazing benefits to only skin but

It is broadly categorised as an antiseptic and astringent helps to clean the pores and reduce inflammation that are caused from mild skin irritations. Detailed research has shown that not only do Sandalwood have an amazing fragrance but it also provides solutions to skin conditions like eczema, acne and psoriasis. Along with that sandalwood oil is an excellent age-fighting ingredient!

10 beauty benefits of sandalwood-
3MEDS, the best medicine delivery app in India curated a lift of the benefits, Sandalwood showers by enhancing and stimulating our skin health-

Acts as an Antiseptic-
Sandalwood has amazing antiseptic properties that prevent acnes and sores from occurring and developing . Exposure to dirt, dust and pollution causes bacterial growth on the skin leading to severe skin problems. Applying sandalwood powder mixed with cold milk on the affected areas can really help soothe.

Delays ageing-
When skin is exposed to certain lifestyle and environment changes like UV light, smoke and air pollution, it immediately produces free radicals that damage the skin cells and collagen contributing to wrinkles and spots. Sandalwood powder helps fight those effects by slowing the ageing process.

Acts as Astringent-
The coagulation of skin proteins can be done by Sandalwood , further protecting the skin from any breakouts or allergies or abrasions. Sandalwood brings about minute contractions in the soft tissues of the skin and tightens the pores. A number of facial packs, masks and toners use sandalwood as one of their primary ingredients because of its astringent property.

Moisturizes skin-

Sandalwood Powder, these days is added in oils and moisturizers for daily use. A little of the powder can be dropped into any essential oil like olive oil or even rosewater before bedtime for better results. It basically seals the pores in the skin and prevents moisture from escaping.

Treats Sunburn-
UV light—the harmful spectrum of sunlight which is responsible for burning our skin.Its proven that Sandalwood Powder has anti-inflammatory properties that can help repair any kind of burning sensation caused due to acne or sunburn. Mixed cucumber juice, curd, honey and lemon juice, Sandalwood helps effectively in removing sun tan and dark spots and hence is present in many sunscreens. Buy the best sunscreen lotions in India from online medicine home delivery app.

Treats chapped lips-
Often in winters, torn and chapped lips are experienced due to excessively dry skin. Mixing Sandalwood Powder with honey and applying directly on lips provide immediate reliefs and retain long-term effects as lip moisturizer and removes the dark patches.

Lighten stretch marks-

With the overstretching of the skin, comes along with a few white stripes known as stretch marks.. When there is a significant change in the bodily shape such during pregnancy, weight gain or weight loss, these marks tend to appear. Regular massaging with Vitamin E or using a Vitamin E oil on the stretch marks restores elasticity and help in lightening the scars due to them.

Acts as Cleansing agent-
Pollution and dirt are everyday phenomena. As we go out they settle on our face making our skin dull and prone to skin irritations, rashes etc. In order to cleanse the dirt out of our skin, Sandalwood is the perfect agent which cleanses the dirt from the skin and keeps it hydrated and moisturized.

Releases stress-

The aroma of sandalwood releases the endorphins, known as the feel good hormones in the brain and aids in relaxation. It acts as a coolant and helps in limiting the effects of stress and anxiety visible in the skin in the form of allergies , pimples or rashes.

Prevents cancer-
α-Santalol present in Sandalwood is widely known for a variety of therapeutic properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti cancer and antibacterial activities without causing any toxic side-effects. The best Anticancer medicine supplier, 3MEDS supports the anticancer effects of sandalwood oil and α-santalol on skin.

Things to keep in mind while including sandalwood in everyday beauty routine-

While sandalwood shower it’s benefits on all skin types, it may sometimes cause irritation to ultra sensitive skin. So it’s important to do a patch test before applying on affected areas to check for any allergic reaction.
Although Sandalwood is a mild ingredient, yet the best online pharmacy in India where you can buy medicines online suggests that it should always be mixed with a carrier oil, that is it should always be diluted before use— almond oil, olive oil or evening primrose oil may be used for this purpose.
A number of dermatologists do not suggest mixing sandalwood oil with another aromatherapy-based oil like lavender or bergamot, as their mixture can cause irritation to the skin.

Do’s & Don’ts During Lockdown – 3MEDS Pharmacy

Covid-19 and its effects?
Covid-19: the new invisible enemy that has come up coiling around us and has become a public health issue of international emergency.
Corona virus has been affecting people in a number of different ways, ranging from people developing mild to moderate illnesses to people getting severely hospitalised.
A number of people develop symptoms like fever, dry cough, tiredness, aches and pain along with severe symptoms like shortness of breath or extreme difficulty in breathing leading to asthma etc While a number of people are asymptomatic, that is they hardly show any symptoms of exposure to corona virus and it becomes very hard to detect.

Why the need for lockdown?

With WHO declaring corona virus a global pandemic, it is very vital to keep ourselves and our community safe and sound. And hence to provide us with maximum protection, the govt induced lockdown and distancing. So far no other country has declared a lockdown of this magnitude and issued several rules and norms to follow.

Various Do’s and Don’ts During Lockdown

Following the prescribed measures of the Ministry of Home Affairs, 3MEDS, the best online medicine delivery app where you can buy medicines online curated a list of some Do’s and Don’ts During this lockdown phase-

Things to definitely follow this lockdown-


With the ever changing pattern of the virus and its effects and spreading procedures, the best way to not let it harm you is to stay informed about the virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. To be well informed is to be empowered.

If you may have potentially been exposed to coronavirus, it is very important to closely monitor health for 14 days so that one can be taken care of and treated quickly without failure. Taking temperature twice a day is the most important aspect and if symptoms are felt at an emergency level, immediate Medical care is a must.


Frequent handwashing is the most important and easy way to prevent infection. Following the 20 sec hand wash rule is the prevention that can be adopted easily. Alcohol based sanitizer, with at least 60% alcohol are an acceptable alternative when soap and water aren’t available. Not only hands and body but also the surroundings need to be sanitized more often.


According to virologists throughout the world, coronavirus is spreading rapidly from person to person through respiratory droplets. So covering your face is an important aspect. While sneezing, coughing or even talking, it’s rather necessary to cover your face with proper masks.


To operate safely in a covid19 atmosphere, it is important to maintain distance and hence digitalisation plays the card. Online transactions, online medicine delivery, food and other essential items delivery are the safe and economically sustainable options rather than standing in long queues and inviting the virus home.

Things to strictly avoid during lockdown-

The purpose of lockdown is to stop the virus from spreading by maintaining necessary distancing. Put a necessary 6 feet distance between you and everyone else. Avoid close contact with sick people. Use a very separate bathroom if you feel to have been exposed to the virus.


Mental health is as important as physical health. With the rapid spread of coronavirus, excessive emotions and boredom can worsen our physical and mental health to a great level. So it is very important to not overstress in this situation.


A lockdown needs us to remain indoors to stay clear from any infection. Hence it’s important to stay at home if you feel sick and under expreme precautions. To avoid panicking, make sure to have your complete medication ready at home with the help of the 24 hour medicine home delivery app at a discounted rate of 23%.

In order to stay positive in hard times like this takes every ounce of energy left within us.And so it’s imperative for us to not wrap ourselves up with each and every article or news or facet of this rapid-spreading virus.Taking a break from the daily unverified news and avoid sharing them is the best way to avoid creating panic.

Senior Citizens must take Care of their proper Nutrition

Why is nutrition more important for senior citizens?
Covid-19, the highly infectious disease caused by a newly found strain of a large family of coronaviruses has been affecting people in a number of different ways, ranging from people developing mild to moderate illnesses to people getting severely hospitalised.
It is observed that senior citizens are at a higher risk of infection because their immunities against infection are weakened below par resulting in an immunocompromised condition. And in this pandemic situation, the most important thing senior citizens can do is to take care of their health and ensure that their body and immune system are in shape because a healthy body is the best defense against a COVID-19 infection. Consuming good food is a big part of healthy living which provides the body with all the energy for growth and protection of the body as well as the immune system.

What are the nutritional needs of senior citizens ?
As the bodies age and get older, it starts to have different nutritional needs to stay healthy and active.
Below mentioned are few essential vitamins and minerals a body needs as it starts aging.

Vitamin D to fight infection

As a person gets old, they often start to stay indoors and shun the sun and make the body prone to vitamin D deficiency. Known broadly as the sunshine vitamin, this is produced by the body when our skin is being exposed to sunlight. It acts as an antiviral into the system to fight against any kinds of infections. Fortified foods like cereals, soy drinks, orange juice, yogurt etc are rich in Vitamin D.It is also present in external pills, supplements etc consumed at a doctor’s recommendation.

Omega-3 for heart health
Senior Citizens need extra omega supplements to help lower the risk of heart disease, arthritis, depression, dementia etc .Some household herbs like black cumin, ginger and turmeric should be added in all your food and snacks. You can buy omega-3 supplements and other healthcare products online from the best medical store home delivery app at a discounted rate.

Calcium for bone health

Calcium in the body is stored in teeth and bones which helps in supporting the basic skeletal functions while our body needs the rest of the calcium to move muscles, circulate blood and carry messages from the brain to other parts. When a person ages, this level of calcium is reduced in the body. Dairy produce such as milk, cheese, yogurt, Green leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach and Calcium rich beans like soy, tofu etc are natural sources of calcium.

Potassium for lower blood pressure
Consuming sufficient potassium but limiting the sodium intake that is salt intake lowers the risk of high blood pressure especially among senior citizens Fruits,green vegetables, beans and low-fat dairy products are the natural sources of potassium. Also, it’s important to select and prepare foods with little or no extra salt. Flavor in food can be provided with other herbs and spices.

Vitamin B12 for better oxygen transport

Most senior citizens, older than 50 are usually not able to absorb enough vitamin B12. Fortified cereal, lean meat, fish and seafood are good sources of vitamin B12. You can also buy vitamin B12 supplements online and opt for contact less medicine home delivery from a 24hour medicine home delivery app for your safety.

How to take care of a senior citizen’s nutritional requirement?

It’s important to provide the senior citizens with more home-cooked meals as they increase the likelihood of a higher-quality diet that helps to stay healthy. So it’s important to gravitate towards healthy options that make nutritious cooking easier while skipping the meals in a box loaded with preservatives, hidden calories, sugar etc.

Sufficient amounts of protein along with whole grains, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats all fit into a healthy meal. Hence 3MEDS, the best online pharmacy in Delhi where you can buy medicines online suggests that senior citizens must not starve and take a wholesome breakfast to stay healthy.

Vitamins and minerals are the most essential substances that our bodies need in order to develop and function normally. They boost the immune system by supporting normal growth and development of the body and help cells and organs function accordingly.

Difficult to digest carbohydrates and sugar must be replaced by those which are easier to digest. For example, aged people must refrain from fried foods as they increase digestion time, remove wheat or potatoes with rice, swapp carbonated beverages for water, eat moderate fibrous food and avoid milk if they’re lactose intolerant.

Plenty of plain water should be taken by the old age people before meals in order to stay hydrated. Drinking water before eating supports the proper movement of digested food. Also it’s important to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water regularly to stay fit and healthy .

It’s important that aged people eat smaller meals instead of three large meals throughout the day to maintain blood sugar levels in the body and consistency in the digestive pattern.

Is loss of smell a symptom of coronavirus disease infection?

Coronavirus and the reality –
Back in December 2019, a new strain of a more infectious variant of corona virus is known to have originated in China as
(SARS-CoV-2), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome- Coronavirus 2 , not being previously identified by humans. Since then, this totalitarian power was constantly seen deceiving the entire world by hiding the contagion first, then spreading the disease unabately across the world and finally sweet talking into repairing the damage by putting on its humanitarian face.

Causes of the coronavirus disease-
The COVID-19 virus is known to spread primarily through droplets of saliva. Sometimes maybe through discharge from nose when an infected person has sneezed or has coughed. The virus spreads by the release of respiratory droplets when someone who might have the virus coughs, sneezes or even talks. These droplets can be inhaled or land in the mouth or nose of a person nearby.Data has shown that it spreads from person to person among those in close contact of less than 6feet

Symptoms of the coronavirus disease infection-
A number of people develop symptoms like fever, dry cough, tiredness, aches and pain along with severe symptoms like shortness of breath or extreme difficulty in breathing leading to asthma etc While a number of people are asymptomatic, that is they hardly show any symptoms of exposure to corona virus and it becomes very hard to detect.
It has affected people of all ages, more or less.

It usually takes 2-14 days for symptoms to come to notice. People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home while people with severe symptoms or with already prevailing medical conditions should at once seek medical attention but it’s important to call before visiting a doctor or in mild cases, get your medicine delivery at home.

Is loss of smell a symptom of coronavirus disease?

Along with expansionist China, by the end of Feb 2020, as many as 58 countries succumbed to the deadly virus, all owing to deception and ignorance.
According to some detailed research, a large proportion of early infections in several countries went undetected and hence contributing to the contagion. 3MEDS, the best 24hour medicine home delivery app found out that as much as 80% of the cases were undocumented before lockdown or travel restrictions were implemented and much before the word quarantine came into display.

But now, Patients who are hit by the recent Covid-19 outbreak in China have suddenly highlighted how the disease affected their sense of taste and smell. Among the 256 Covid-19 cases found on June 11 in Beijing, 13 per cent patients reported that they lost their sense of smell eventually . Another 8 per cent, said their sense of taste had been moderately affected. Losing the sense of smell or taste was an already known symptom of the disease but as per an international study, about 32 per cent of patients in China, 69 per cent in Germany and 49 per cent in India have reported the same phenomenon.

Olfactory dysfunction may represent an early or even be the only symptom of coronavirus infection and serve as a screening criterion for patients with no or negligible physical symptoms like fever, cough, breathlessness etc.

Why is this potential loss of smell?
SARS-CoV-2 is known to use the (ACE2), the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor to gain entry to the cells via binding with the spike protein. SARS-CoV-2 additionally needs TMPRSS2, a protease which helps the spike protein in the process of gaining entry to cells and a few other proteins..

ACE2 and TMPRSS2 are expressed in many different types of cells and quite abundantly in the areas of nose, throat, and upper bronchial airways. In the nose, expression has been seen in both the respiratory epithelium and the olfactory sensory epithelium. The virus can migrate into the central nervous system via the nose and hence inflammation in the area could restrict the airflow to the nose without causing interruption of breathing but causing a damage to the sense of smell.

The bottom line-
Now, worry has coiled into our lungs but we have to let it cough itself out eventually. Nothing but the warmth and comfort of our own house and loved ones can help us fight this enemy.
While we wait for new effective drugs, vaccines and medication to develop and treat this ‘cytokine storm’ which has been fueling Covid deaths, the only way to be safe is to refrain from touching or meeting infected people. So, the best medicine delivery app suggests everyone to stay at home and order medicines online at a discounted maximum of 23%

10 Ways to Cope With Emotional Stress

What is Stress? How is it related to our emotional well-being?

It has been pointed out that the way our body deals with stress is by releasing chemicals that tell the body that it is in utter danger and as a result activates the fight response. This response is a survival mechanism so that the body is prepared to face the danger.
Exposure to stress leads to a release of elevated levels of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol and puts our body at a vulnerable point to certain illnesses such as increased blood sugar level, heart disease and other chronic illnesses.

Stress is actually our body’s normal reaction when any change has taken place. It usually responds to those changes physically, mentally or emotionally. Stress can be experienced from the environment or surroundings,bodily changes and certain thoughts.

What are the various types of stress?
Primarily, there are two types of stress-
Physical stress due to injury, death or illness show symptoms like insomnia, headache, low energy, an upset stomach etc.
Whereas emotional stress shows mixed effects like agitation, frustration, low self esteem, inability to focus, mood swings, racial thoughts and behavior etc
Chronic diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, cancer etc are in a vicious circle of creating negative effects on a person’s health.

10 Steps to deal with severe emotional stress:
Here are 10 ways to cope with emotional stress on a day to day basis by the best medicine store home delivery near you
Keeping a positive attitude
With all the uncertainty going on around it’s normal to get stressful but accepting the fact that not everything can be brought under control yet keeping a positive attitude is very important to keep a check on stress.Giving yourself positive messages in case of extreme overwhelming can help control stress quite a while.

More sleep leads to less stress
Lack of sleep can make us cranky all day around messing up more than our daily schedule. Whereas a number of benefits are associated with getting a good night’s rest like an athletic achievement,a sharper brain and an entire mood boost.Our body needs at least 7-8 hours of good quality and uninterrupted sleep to recover from the stressful events of the entire day.

Eating good yet in moderation
Eating healthy and proper can help tame stress in a lot of ways. A number of comfort foods can cut stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline etc and increase levels of serotonin which is a calming brain chemical.

Involving in daily physical activities
Activities like jogging, walking, working out in the gym etc can help keep us fit and it’s known that our body can fight stress in a better and efficient way if it’s fit. If not physical, a number of other activities and hobbies can help reduce stress, like painting, singing, gardening etc

Reducing caffeine intake
High doses of the stimulant found in coffee, chocolates etc can increase anxiety and make us anxious. All these stimulating drinks and food must be taken in moderation to deal with excess stress.

Indulging in relaxation techniques
Learn and start practicing relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation or deep breathing activities. These activities may help us calm down and divert our mind away from any stress that we might feel. Take a few minutes out of your entire day to sit back quietly and reflect.

Talking to a friend, family professional, if needed
Support from friends and family can help us get through stressful times.If things start to get too overwhelming, it’s essential to get in touch with a friend or a family member who can help or maybe a therapist or a psychiatrist who can professionally help deal with the ongoing stress.

Managing time is key
Management of time is an important way to deal stress. Put an alarm or set your watch so that you can have more time to prepare and get ready. Stay ahead of time without procrastination to avoid unnecessary stress.

Keeping necessary medication handy
Long term chronic illnesses lead to constant stress, anxiety and frustration and often wear people down and cause them to ignore their medical care. To avoid panicking at the 12th hour make sure to have your complete medication ready at home with the help of the 24 hour medicine home delivery app and order medicines online at a discounted rate of 23%.

Refrain from negativities
In order to stay positive in hard times like this takes every ounce of energy left within us.And so it’s imperative for us to not wrap ourselves up with each and every article or news or facet of this rapid-spreading virus. Hence adhering to strict screen timing can help us overhaul the negativities our society and social media serves

Things one should never do after eating

We all know that consuming good food is a big part of healthy living. It provides us with all the energy for growth and development of the body as well as for performing the functions of our body like breathing, digestion, repairment etc.

We have come across a number of important information about eating as in what to eat, how to eat etc to stay healthy. But we often tend to ignore the things we aren’t supposed to do. How many times have we wondered about what shouldn’t be done right after eating? It’s time we did our detailed research about the things one should never do immediately after eating. Hence, 3MEDS, the 24 hour medicine delivery app curated a list of 8 such restricted tasks –

1)Never sleep immediately after taking a meal.
Sleeping or even a short afternoon nap immediately after a heavy meal can cause a number of discomforts like acid reflux, gas, cramps, burning sensation etc. All these because if we sleep right after eating, the digestive juices start flowing in the opposite direction, leading to increase in acid reflux and hence severe discomfort.

2)Don’t Drink a glass full of water immediately after a meal
It’s always considered healthy to stay hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. But gulping down an entire glass of water right after eating or even during meals disrupts digestion. Drinking too much water after or during the meal interferes with the natural levels of acid and bile produced in our body which are essential for good digestion.

3)Exercising is a strict no after a heavy meal
Running, exercising or even brisk walking right after eating induces serious acid reflux and indigestion in our body. At the same time, do not be lazy and lie down immediately. So if you want to go for a walk, at least wait for 30 mins before you get moving.

4)Smoking right after eating is dangerous.
It’s no secret anymore as to how smoking is harmful to healthy living but smoking immediately after a meal is 10 times more dangerous. Nicotine in cigarettes binds with oxygen in the blood making it readily absorbable and hence increasing the risk of cancer.

5)No showering after eating.
Having a shower after a meal has always been considered as a bad idea as when we shower after eating, the blood flows drastically towards the hands, legs, and body decreasing the amount of blood around the stomach area which weakens the digestive system and causing slow digestion.

6)Avoid having fruits immediately after eating.
Consuming fruits is always a good idea but on an empty stomach and certainly not after a heavy meal. Having fruits right after a meal can result in stuffing the stomach with air and cause bloating. So it’s important to plan consumption of fruits an hour after or before a meal.

7)After a solid meal, never consume beverages.
After a number of detailed researches, 3MEDS, the best online medicine delivery app in India found out that consuming beverages after a solid meal can reduce our body’s iron absorption to about 87% resulting in anemia, pale skin, dizziness, and loss of appetite. And so most nutritionists suggest that we should wait at least an hour after eating in order to consume any beverages.

8)Brushing immediately after eating is not right.
Brushing our teeth immediately after dinner, or after every meal is extremely harmful for teeth as brushing scrubs away the layers of enamel on the teeth. Furthermore, when we drink or eat acidic foodstuffs, or those with a lot of sugar in them, it’s even more dangerous.

9) Abstain from driving after eating.
It’s said that the most dangerous time to drive is about three hours after eating. This is because almost all of us have a metabolic rate of about three hours and hence this is actually the span of time when we are supposed to feel tired the maximum. So it’s important to wait till our body has digested all of the meal and is energetic again and then go out for a drive.

Hence it’s important to let our body breathe and perform its required task right after eating. To let digestion occur naturally and uninterrupted, it’s advisable to follow the above mentioned guidelines and live a healthy hassle-free life.